Long Haul Investment With Dental Implants

Losing teeth would be a thing of the past thanks to the progressive dental technology that is emerging in this industry. Dentists and patients alike are favoring such revolutionary innovations because they bring along modern dental equipment and techniques to enhance dental presentation. Now-a-days, dental implants are looked upon as a favorable replacement for missing or broken teeth dispensing with the need for dentures and bridges.

Reasons for Implants

It is good to note that progressive technologies introduce advanced techniques and features that benefit consumers in all aspects of life. Implants are desired by consumers who have missing teeth or dentures. Fixed bridges are functional only up to a certain time as they wear out. In fact, in the long run they might contribute to further teeth loss as the teeth holding the bridge might be adversely affected by repeated pulls and strains. Good and undamaged teeth are usually used to support the bridge. They are cut down to fit the bridging components thus making the teeth susceptible to potential dental decay.

Dentures pose a more serious problem as bite forces are transferred to the remaining teeth which are normally few and weak. Metal denture clasps are unsightly. They giveaway one’s poor dental condition and cause embarrassment in public. Dentures exert great pressure on the gums which in turn promotes tooth and bone loss in addition to mouth sores.

Denture replacement with implants is also common with a couple of visits to the dentist. Several implants can be fitted with special attachments on top while corresponding attachments remain in the denture with firm clippings. This helps resolve problems such as loose dentures, discomfort or sore spots when the gum pressure is transferred to the implants. The patient enjoys exercising their chewing ability again.

Implants can be executed on even one missing tooth. Experienced dentists can replace a missing tooth or a shaky one with a dental implant.

Implant process

A thorough consultation and evaluation of the patient’s dental condition is always performed by professional dental providers on implant treatments. When a dental implant procedure is identified, the existing bad tooth is extracted before going ahead with a bone graft. An implant is instated immediately or within 4-6 months depending on the bone condition. Later, an implant crown is put on the implant although a temporary piece can be placed for a front tooth.

Implants can also be executed on multiple missing teeth. If the consumer does not prefer dentures, implants are great alternatives to restore smiles and confidence. Modern dental technology and skilled dentists specializing in implant dentistry can put in multiple implants to replace an existing bridge. This process may be executed in stages to cover a period of 6 to 8 months before a new set of well-aligned teeth can be enjoyed.


Dental implants need not cost an arm or a leg if you consult a professional dental provider properly as you could be eligible for insurance coverage or special payment plans.

Implant treatments are a more affordable dental treatment option over the long haul with less hassle. This is a long-term investment for a better and quality lifestyle.