Teeth whitening pain? – 5 Solutions may help

Are you aware that many people experience teeth bleaching pain after whitening? Some people experience little discomfort or pain after their whitening treatment.

Human tooth pain. 3d illustration

Others experience pain using tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. Some individuals also report intermittent and intense “zingers” or perhaps a piercing jolt in their teeth. Just what exactly should you do today to eliminate or avoid teeth bleaching pain?

Avoiding the anguish requires that you may have an understanding of the pain itself. Many people experience tooth sensitivity, as mentioned earlier. The sensitivity could be triggered by cold liquids, breathing as well as air hitting your teeth.

The degree of sensitivity can be extremely moderate to extremely painful. It can occur immediately after the whitening and lasts approximately 24 -48 hours. In rare cases, sensitivity may last much longer.

Gum irritation and “zingers” occur less often but could cause significant discomfort or pain. People have reported feeling powerful “jolts” or “zingers” after receiving professional teeth whitening like laser teeth whitening or zoom teeth bleaching.

Whatever the type of whitening system you use, there are a few steps you can take to prevent, eliminate, or limit the pain sensation. The best way is to speak with your physician before any whitening procedure. While there is no assurance that teeth whitening pain can be avoided entirely, seeking professional advice may be the smartest way to prevent or limit any discomfort.

Here are other ideas to consider:

1) Bleach your teeth before Week

If you are planning to have your dentist bleach your teeth, just before your visit, brush with a high fluoride toothpaste or rinse by using a mouthwash containing fluoride a couple of weeks before the whitening.

Teenage girl rinsing mouth in the bathroom

Fluoride helps strengthen the outer enamel of your respective teeth. Some dentists may also advise you to adopt ibuprofen, such as Aleve, after and before the method. The treatment, some dentists might also advise you for taking ibuprofen, such as Aleve.

2) Try whitening gels or bleaching trays

Start with a small add up to test the gums and teeth’ sensitivity if you intend to employ a do-it-yourself solution tooth whitening system like whitening gels or bleaching trays.

3) Don’t make dentist to use the lot of whiteners

3. Don’t use a lot of whiteners simply because this can ultimately cause persistent pain and ongoing tooth sensitivity. Also, apply the whitener carefully and never allow it to enter into areas where your gums are receding.

In other words, don’t become a “whitening addict,” seeking a quick, bright white smile within a few minutes. Adhere to the directions.

4) Ask dentist if you have more sensitivity

If you are already aware you have sensitive teeth, severely receding gums or defective restorations share this information with your dentist as he or she will adjust the amount of bleaching gel (peroxide) accordingly.

Home teeth whiteners must be used sparingly, and milder versions should be applied with extreme care.

5) Use lukewarm water after whitening

After whitening, brush with lukewarm water, avoid extreme temperatures in liquids or food and employ a toothbrush with soft bristles. Over the counter toothpaste for sensitive teeth will help too.

If the tooth sensitivity lasts more significant than a couple of days, talk to your dentist simply because this may signal another or underlying problem.

The result is a whiter smile can raise your confidence and self-esteem, among other things. Don’t worry too much about any whitening teeth, pain, or discomfort. Go on, get whiter teeth today.