Can Kids Get Gum Disease?

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a bacterial infection that is also called periodontal disease. It occurs when the gum tissues around the teeth become infected and inflamed, and this can spread to the ligaments holding the teeth in place and even the bones supporting the teeth. If gum disease isn’t treated during the early stages it can result in tooth loss. During the past few years it’s been linked to many serious health conditions including stroke and heart disease, as well as diabetes. In addition, it can worsen any existing health conditions.

Some people are more susceptible to developing periodontal disease than others and it can be genetic in certain cases. However all too often the risk factors are down to personal choice and are easily controlled. For example, feeding your child a diet that is high in starches and sugars may increase their risk of developing periodontal disease. Failing to make sure they regularly brush and floss their teeth will greatly increase the risk of having dental problems. Luckily it is quite straightforward to look after your child’s teeth and to make sure their smile is healthy and free from any disease.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

Children exhibit exactly the same signs of gum disease as adults; you may notice their gums bleed after brushing or flossing or that they look red or swollen. If the disease is more advanced the gums may begin pulling away from the teeth and your child could have persistent bad breath. If you ever suspect your child may have gum disease, please don’t hesitate to contact us as treatment is easier and less invasive when this condition is caught during the early stages.

Why You Should Start Oral Hygiene Early On

Here at the Kids Dentistry Center, we strongly recommend you start a child’s oral hygiene routine very early in life. This can begin even before they get their first tooth as you can clean their gums after each feeding with a clean washcloth or a damp piece of gauze. When they do get their first tooth, book an appointment for them to come and see Dr. Marina Krepkh DDS or any of our pediatric dentists so we can show you how to brush their teeth as well as how to floss them when they begin to touch each other. It’s a lot easier when you’ve been shown how to do this by a professional.

Book Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental visits are such a simple way to keep your kid’s teeth healthy and disease free and they also help them become accustomed to visiting a dentist so they are far less likely to grow up with any fears or phobias. Our dental office is particularly good for kids and is designed to make visiting the dentist lots of fun. Regular dental checkups help us catch any signs of disease early on as a stage when they are much more easily treated.