Benefits of Using Invisalign Over Metal Braces

Cosmetic dentistry can help you to realign your teeth without using attention drawing metal braces. Innovations in dentistry have made it possible to do so using a series of clear, plastic, removable aligners. Using a pair of Invisalign aligners, every two weeks, will show visible results without causing much pain. Metal braces on the other hand, need to be changed every six weeks. Gradually your teeth will re-adjust themselves in the desired position, until they are finally adjusted. Take a look at its several advantages over metal braces:

1. You will feel more confident than if you were wearing traditional braces. Being transparent, these are less obvious.

2. In case you have decided to straighten your teeth after reaching adulthood, you may prefer to use the aligners rather than the metal braces which are usually worn by children.

3. From a comfort point of view, Invisalign is considered to be superior to wire and bracket braces. As you can remove these aligners during meals, it is easier to chew your food, compared to when you wear metal braces. Further, no diet restrictions are applicable while using these aligners.

4. Many side effects which result if you wear traditional braces can be avoided if you use Invisalign. All you will need, while using Invisalign aligners, is to visit your dentist once in six weeks to check the treatment status. Usually, the healing period varies between nine to fifteen months.

5. While planning for a tooth alignment treatment using Invisalign, the first step would be selecting a proficient oral health practitioner. Next sit with your dentist and fix up an appointment. Once you are done, get to know how the whole process works! It’s best to have a prior know-how before opting for the procedure.

6. The aligners are customized only after a complete digital mapping of your tooth line has been done. This will enable your dentist to work much proficiently with a computerized, three-dimensional image of your teeth. Your doctor will then plan the adjustment of your teeth during the period of your treatment. Seeing the virtual representation, you will come to know how your teeth will align themselves during the course of your treatment.

7. Customized aligners will enhance your comfort level. Overly crowded tooth line, widely spaced teeth, crossbite, overbite, and underbite can all be overcome using these aligners.

8. Many dental insurance plans include Invisalign, so check whether your medical insurance covers it. If so, determine the extent of the coverage. If the cost is way above your budget, it will be wise to enquire whether there is any facility of paying the treatment cost in manageable installments.