Alternatives to Dental Scaling

Dental scaling is mainly intended to remove the tartar and plaque from the tooth surfaces. Scaling is one of the most effective ways to treat the gum disease before it becomes severe. Every time, instead of considering in office dental scaling treatment, you can find various alternatives to scaling. This article gives you top 5 alternatives to scaling.

Periodontal diseases need not be one of the reasons for your tooth loss. Many effective treatments are available to treat various gum diseases. Dental scaling is a thorough deep cleansing of tartar and plaque on the tooth surfaces and periodontal pockets typically located in the gums and smooths the teeth roots to eliminate bacterial toxins. Below is an alternatives list for dental scaling.

1. Ultrasonic scalers

This is an effective and fast scaling treatment used to eliminate tartar from the tooth surface rapidly. It works using scaling tip that vibrates depending on ultrasonic power frequency between 18 kHz to 32 kHz. The heat generated at the tip is cooled by jet water and is very essential to move over the mineralized teeth to remove plaque.

Remember that you should not use the scaler for more than 10 seconds on any individual tooth and don’t press it harder than one ounce of pressure.

2. Vita Pick

Vita Pick is a technique kills the damaging bacteria in pockets of gums three times deeper than any other conventional means. Vita Pick is a re-usable and durable pen-sized applicator specially designed to deliver effective antiseptic solutions comprised of hydrogen peroxide and salt solution in the gum pockets 12mm deeper and thus removes bacterial toxins.

3. Periowave

Periowave involves a non-thermal laser light that is combined with a photosensitizing solution uniquely designed to kill toxic bacteria developed with a gum disease. It effectively removes the calculus build up in the gum pockets and relieves from gum diseases.

4. Metronidazole Gel

Metronidazole gel, anti-infective agent is a good alternative to deep scaling and root planning in the treatment of adult periodontics. It is designed to treat dental infections of bacterial origin over the tooth surfaces. It is not recommended if you are allergic to new medicines.

5. Soft tissue layers

Many dental professionals may employ the use of lasers to remove plaque and toxic bacteria in the roots of teeth. It traps the bacteria accumulated in the gum pockets and gives you relief from further teeth damage and pain associated with various gum diseases due to plaque formation.