The success rate of Invisalign is indeed the best indicator that this dental treatment method is certainly the right one for all types of teeth straightening and alignment problems. When you compare the treatment method of Invisalign to that of the other traditional dental problems, the end-result from all the techniques are about the same but the entire Invisalign process is completely different from that of the other dental processes. Invisalign is certainly a step above the other teeth straightening options and if you are still thinking if you require to take up the Invisalign treatment or not, then the best thing you should do is it to learn the advantages of the Invisalign treatment over the other teeth straightening options.
Invisalign is not a very expensive procedure and it can certainly treat a wide variety of dental problems such as crowding, crossbite, spacing, overbite and underbite. This treatment line straightens your teeth in a very gentle manner and supports you in carrying out your teeth straightening process in a wholly different manner. You have the freedom to remove the aligners whenever you want which includes taking off the plastic aligners when you are brushing and flossing, when you are eating and at times when you do not want to flash them at any social events. Invisalign certainly assures you the best oral health and hygiene than compared to any other types of teeth straightening options.
The aligners are made up of a smooth and comfortable plastic and most of the times, the patients are not even aware if they are wearing such a device inside their mouth or not. The metal braces, brackets and wires which were used earlier offered total discomfort to the users and also gave them lot of pain, suffering and mouth ulcers. The treatment of Invisalign is not a rigid one and the doctors would like to work around your schedule and they make sure that they keep the dental visits every four to six weeks. For the Invisalign Teen, a minimum of six replacement aligners which is absolutely free is offered in case of the aligners if lost or broken.
Veneers is also a very common treatment method used for dental problems, however, they are mostly used in improving your smile and cannot solve all your dental issues and hence, they are not very great in the treatment of periodontal imperfections and when you make use of the veneer treatment, it is possible that some of the periodontal problems will still remain which is not a good way to treat dental issues.
Thus, Invisalign is certainly the best treatment methodology for treating dental imperfections and if you are thinking about going in for Invisalign, then you must seek the services of Dr Maryam Edalat at Park Plaza Dental Specialties. Dr Maryam Edalat has gained immense experience and knowledge in Invisalign treatment and is a very popular and accomplished periodontist in New York.